Base stats | 59 | Attack | | 83 | Defense | | 102 | Stamina |
Minimum and maximum CP /HP | Minimum | Maximum |
Quest | 188/57 | 212/60 |
Raid/Egg/GBL | 251/66 | 282/69 |
Raid weatherboost | 314/74 | 353/78 | GO Rocket | 76/38 | 111/43 |
GO Rocket weatherboost | 140/51 | 183/56 |
Pokémon level 40 | 339/80 | 494/92 |
Pokémon level 50 | 383/85 | 559/98 |
Wild | 10/10 | 424/85 |
Wild weatherboost | 62/34 | 459/89 |
To the complete iv list for quests, raids, eggs, GBL | |