Base stats | 286 | Attack | | 223 | Defense | | 189 | Stamina |
Minimum and maximum CP /HP | Minimum | Maximum |
Quest | 1706/102 | 1775/105 |
Raid/Egg/GBL | 2274/118 | 2367/121 |
Raid weatherboost | 2843/132 | 2958/136 | GO Rocket | 868/73 | 933/76 |
GO Rocket weatherboost | 1431/93 | 1538/98 |
Pokémon level 40 | 3667/149 | 4142/161 |
Pokémon level 50 | 4145/158 | 4683/171 |
Wild | 51/17 | 3550/149 |
Wild weatherboost | 625/61 | 3846/155 |
To the complete iv list for quests, raids, eggs, GBL | |